This article is a walkthrough of the journey that the Slovakian flag took over the last 3 centuries, how it changed over time, what is the meaning of the colors and symbols represented on the...
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Have you ever wondered how much it can cost to go for a trip to Slovakia and enjoy a fun vacation there? This article serves this exact purpose. It was created by locals to give you an approximate...
If you are planning a trip to Slovakia, here are some of the things you should know about the country before you go there. Slovakia is a small country between the Czech Republic, Austria, and Hungary...
This article serves as kind of a guideline for people that are going to attend their first wedding in Slovakia and do not know how to dress properly. The wedding dress code in Slovakia is not very...
This article serves a purpose, to give people that are considering visiting Slovakia or live there to find out how good people in Slovakia speak the English language and give a base for your...
It is very easy to get a taxi in Bratislava because there are many of them and some of the local drivers speak or understand basic English. However, some of them may try to take advantage of you by...